Eco-Rapid Transit West Santa Ana Branch Corridor Station Area and Vision Plans
Los Angeles, California
The 20-mile West Santa Ana Branch light rail corridor will serve 1.5 million residents and 670,000 workers once it is operational. The visioning process for transit-oriented communities is led by Gruen Associates’ Planners and Urban Designers for three proposed transit stations along the corridor including Vernon, which has been an industrial powerhouse for over a century. The Vernon Vision Plan evaluates options for transitioning heavy industry near proposed stations to transit-oriented, job-rich and walkable uses. Gruen Associates worked with Eco-Rapid Transit and the cities of Paramount and South Gate to develop a vision for the I-105 and Paramount/Rosecrans stations. Innovative public outreach strategies including a bike/walk tour of the station areas and pop-up community events were used throughout the process to prepare the communities in the Gateway area for light rail transit.