Victory-Santa Cruz Park Design Guidelines
Long Beach, California
Originally dedicated to the city as public parkland in 1989, Victory Park is the oldest public park in the City of Long Beach. The Park is located in Downtown on the south side of Ocean Boulevard at the first 80’ south of the Ocean Boulevard sidewalk spanning between Queens Way and Shoreline Drive. Santa Cruz Park was dedicated to the city as public parkland in 1919 and similarly spans the first 30-40’ south of the Ocean Boulevard sidewalk between Golden Shore and Cedar Avenue. Each segment of both Victory and Santa Cruz parks has been developed on a block-by-block basis as adjacent developments have been erected. As a result, the various park segments which make up Victory and Santa Cruz parks today vary in depth, amenities, and overall character.
The Open Space and Recreation Element of the Long Beach General Plan identified these parks as an opportunity to link recreation opportunities throughout the community. The purpose of the updated design guidelines is to ensure that the land which makes up Victory Park and Santa Cruz Park is available for the enjoyment of the citizens and the general public of Long Beach and to coordinate the design and renovation of the parks.