The ARRIVE Corridor
San Bernardino, California
The “ARRIVE Corridor” project creates an integrated regional rail/land use vision and implementation strategy for the San Bernardino (SB) Metrolink Line and the 1/2-mile areas around the Montclair, Upland, Rancho Cucamonga, Fontana, Rialto and San Bernardino stations. The acronym ARRIVE stands for “Advanced Regional Rail Integrated Vision – East.” Gruen Associates is the Prime Contractor, Land Use Planner, and Urban Designer leading the consultant team, which is tasked to “transition the ARRIVE Corridor, over time, to an integrated Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)/regional rail corridor, serving residents and businesses within active, growing, transit-oriented communities at the station locations and providing a high degree of transit interconnectivity to Valley destinations.” ARRIVE engages a broad cross section of transportation, urban planning, economic, environmental and other stakeholders to map out a vision for the corridor, identify barriers and define the steps for implementation.